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Introduce the history of KARP.


2019 *The 4rd Grand Prize of Korean Radiation Protection (Jaiki Lee)
2019 *The 3st iTRS Radiation Measurement Technology Award (Jongmin Park, Seoul National University Hospital)
2019 *The 8th Young Investigator Prize (Changheon Choi, Seoul National University Hospital)
2019 *The 4nd ISORD Award (Hyunseok Kim, Seoul National University)
Feb. 22-23 Winter Workshop Topic : Current status and development direction of domestic environmental radiation/activity monitoring
Mar. 24 The 1st Young Scientist Group Workshop (Hanyang University)
Apr. 17-19 Spring Conference and Symposium (Yeosu Venezia Hotel) Topic : Radiology and artificial intelligence
Aug. 22-23 Summer Workshop (Resom Forest Jecheon) Topic : 1) Introduction and use of the Monte Carlo code
Topic : 2) Strategic implementation of public communication
Oct. 11 Joint symposium of the Korean Society for Radiation Protection and the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology (The Plaza Hotel)
Nov. 27-28 Fall Conference and 43th Annual General Meeting (Jeju Phoenix Island) Topic :
- Symposium : Medical Radiation Safety
- Workshop 1: Development direction of on-site nuclear emergency response system
- Workshop 2: Restoration and monitoring of the dismantling site environment
- Workshop 3: Radiation Oncology and Treatment and Nuclear Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment LatestKnow ledge
- Workshop 4: Domestic Research Trends on NIR


2018 *The 2st iTRS Radiation Measurement Technology AwardM (Geehyun Kim, Sejong University)
2018 *The 7th Young Investigator Prize (Jung-in Kim, Seoul National University Hospital)
2018 *The 3nd ISORD Award (Hyemin Park, Myongji University)
Feb. 22-23 *Winter Workshop (Icheon Miranda Hotel)
Topic : 1) Radiation Communication Practice Strategies for the People and Domestic and Overseas Success Cases
Topic : 2) The gap between norms and reality in the enforcement of the Nuclear Safety Act
Apr. 18-20 Spring Conference and Symposium (Yongpyong Resort Bliss Hill Stay Hotel) Topic : Radiation in Medicine: Imaging and Radiation Effects on Health
June. 19 Radon bed incident advisory announcement and press conference Venue: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Contents : Held to promote social communication in relation to the radon-releasing bed situation, seeking scientific facts and countermeasures, and on radiation problems around daily life.
June. Research project (6 months) Project Name : 2018 Radiation Safety Understanding Foundation Project
Client : Korea Nuclear Safety Foundation
Aug. 30-31 Summer Workshop (Muchangpo Biche Palace) Topic : 1) Influence and substance of radon's internal exposure
Topic : 2) Internal exposure management status of radiation workers
Nov. 21-23 Fall Conference and 42th Annual General Meeting (Jeju Phoenix Island) Topic : Public communication with radiation around daily life
The next president : Kyo-Youn Kim(KAERI) elected


2017 *The 3rd Grand Prize of Korean Radiation Protection (박찬일)
2017 *The 1st iTRS Radiation Measurement Technology AwardM (이원호, Korea University)
2017 *The 6th Young Investigator Prize (하위호, KIRAMS)
2017 *The 2nd ISORD Award (한민철, Hanyang University)
Feb. 23-24 Winter Workshop Topic :
1) Practice for the evaluation of the environmental impact of radiation based on regulations
2) KOLAS accreditation to secure reliability of radiation / performance measurement field
Feb. Research Project (10 months) Project Name: Evaluation of National Radiation Doses according to
Medical Radiation Use
Client: Department of Disease Control
Feb. Research Project (10 months) Project Name: Development of patient CT radiation exposure dose
evaluation program
Client: Department of Disease Control
Apr. 12-14 Spring Conference & Symposium Subject: Recent Issues of Radiological Protection at International Level
May. Research Assignment (6 months) Project Name: Study on the establishment of comprehensive plan for radiation protection in the second living area
Client: Korea Nuclear Safety Institute
Aug. 24-25 Summer Workshop Theme: Domestic and Foreign Status for Safe Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities from the Viewpoint of Radiation Protection
Aug. 24 Young Scientist Group launch ceremony The group consists of five groups
Sep. National Library of Medicine (NLM), International Nuclear Information System of IAEA Completion of establishment of linkage with main related academic DB


Mar. 01 Established the Institute of Radiation Safety Culture (Research Director: 이재기, Professor Emeritus, Hanyang University)
Apr. 22-23 Spring Conference & Symposium (Daemyung Resort) Topic : Human influence of tritium
May. 14 14th IRPA Conference and General Meeting (Cape Town, South Africa) IRPA-15 Preparation Chairperson and 30 others attended
Aug. 25-26 Summer Workshop Topic:
1) Enhance communication with the field by introducing the comprehensive development direction of radiation safety regulation and domestic and international regulations
2) Radioactive evaluation and safety issues
Nov.29-Dec.01 Fall Conference and 40th Annual General Meeting(Jeju Phoenix Island) Topic:
1) Radiation safety issues and communication
2) Radioactive safety management in food
2016 The next president: 박우윤(Chungbuk National University Hospital)​
2016 The 5th Young Investigator Prize (민철희, Yonsei University)
2016 The 1st ISORD Award (노성진, Southeast Nuclear Power Academy)


Feb. 05-06 Winter Workshop Topic :
1) Effects of low dose radiation on human body
2) Radiation Safety Issues in the Medical Sector
Apr. 22-23 Spring Conference & Symposium (Yeosu) Topic: radiation safety advancement
Sep. 24 Thyroid cancer report presentation session Co-host: Korean Nuclear Society, Korean Radiation Protection Association
Theme: "Scientific Analysis of Residents and Thyroid Cancers around Nuclear Power Plant"
Oct. 20-22 Third ICRP Symposium (ICRP2015), Seoul
Event Name: 3rd International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection
Topic: radiation protection ethics
Oct. 23 Fall Conference & 39th Annual Meeting
Topic: The 3rd Radiation Safety Management in Foods
2015 The 2nd Grand Prize of Korean Radiation Protection (이명철)
2015 The 2th Young Investigator Prize (박종민, SNUH)


Feb. 27-28 Winter Workshop Topic
:1) Monte Carlo method and application
2) Regulation of radiation safety in daily supplies
Apr. 01 Special Workshop for 3rd Anniversary of Fukushima accident (Cosponsor: KAERI, KARP)
Apr. 23-25 Spring Conference & Symposium Topic: The advent of Korean large accelerator
Aug. 27-28 Nuclear Association Symposium
1) Role and vision of nuclear association
2) Current and future of nuclear technology
Nov. 19-21 Fall Conference & The 38th Annual Meeting
Topic: International trend of ICRP
2014 The next president: 임영기(Gachon University​)
2014 The 3rd Young Investigator Prize (김정인, KHNP)
2014 Changing Journal Title (Journal of Radiation Protection and Research)
2014 Homepage Reconstruction


Feb. 27-28 Winter Workshop Topic:
1) FLUKA training
2) Monte Carlo basic and radiological application
Apr. 24-26 Spring Conference & Symposium Topic : Message of the Fukushima accident after 2 years
Aug. 27-28 International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
The 1st Asian Workshop on Ethics in Radiation Protection
Nov. 20-22 Fall Conference & The 37th Annual Meeting
Topic: Ethics of Radiation Protection
2013 The 1st Grand Prize of Korean Radiation Protection (권석근)
2013 The 2nd Young Investigator Prize (서희, KAERI)
2013 Apply the Journal DOI (Volume 38, Issue 4, DEC, 2013)


Mar. 26 Special Workshop for 1st Anniversary of Fukushima accident (Cosponsor: Korea Science Journalists Association)
Apr. 19-20 Spring Conference & Symposium Topic: Environmental Radiation Safety (생활방사선? 환경방사선?)
May. 15 Korean Night (Scotland, UK)
May. 30 The disbanding ceremony for attracting ICRP15
Jul. 17 Operating Nuclear Association Operation Director: 최호신
Aug. 23-24 Summer Workshop Topic: Environmental Radiation Safety
Oct. 31~Nov. 01 World Nuclear & Radiation Expo “Radiation Safety Class”
Nov. 28-30 Fall Conference & 36th Annual Meeting The next president: 김일한 (SNUH)
Topic: LNT model
2012 The 1st Young Investigator Prize (한은옥, KANS)


Apr. 06 An Urgent Panel Discussion “Domestic radiation effect caused by Fukushima’s nuclear plant accident”
Apr. 21-22 Spring Conference & Symposium & ICRP MC Meeting
Topic: Recent Activities of ICRP
May. 27-29 IRPA EC Meeting
Jun. Technical Review Project A study for advancing the radiation exposure assessment of nuclear plant worker
Aug. 25-26 Summer Workshop Topic: The fact of Fukushima’s nuclear plant accident
Nov. 17-18 Fall Conference & 35th Annual Meeting Topic: International recommendations and guidelines about emergency radiation protection
Nov. 21 An Urgent Information Session ‘The detection of radioactive materials at Nowon-gu, Seoul’ Topic: It will not impact on the human body?


Jan. 28 동계워크샵 Winter Workshop Transportation of radioactive material
Apr. 21 Spring Workshop The 14th Workshop for radiation exposure assessment
Apr. 22-23 Spring Conference & Symposium Topic: Nuclear Plant Export
Jun. 24-25 Summer Workshop : Technical working group on radiation shielding
Nov. 21 Fall Workshop Asian and Oceanic Workshop on Radiation Protection Culture
Nov. 22-23 Fall Conference & 34th Annual Meeting The next president: 최호신 (KINS)
Topic: Radiation Source Security