HOME > About KARP > History
Introduce the history of KARP.
2019 | *The 4rd Grand Prize of Korean Radiation Protection (Jaiki Lee) |
2019 | *The 3st iTRS Radiation Measurement Technology Award (Jongmin Park, Seoul National University Hospital) |
2019 | *The 8th Young Investigator Prize (Changheon Choi, Seoul National University Hospital) |
2019 | *The 4nd ISORD Award (Hyunseok Kim, Seoul National University) |
Feb. 22-23 | Winter Workshop Topic : Current status and development direction of domestic environmental radiation/activity monitoring |
Mar. 24 | The 1st Young Scientist Group Workshop (Hanyang University) |
Apr. 17-19 | Spring Conference and Symposium (Yeosu Venezia Hotel) Topic : Radiology and artificial intelligence |
Aug. 22-23 | Summer Workshop (Resom Forest Jecheon)
Topic : 1) Introduction and use of the Monte Carlo code Topic : 2) Strategic implementation of public communication |
Oct. 11 | Joint symposium of the Korean Society for Radiation Protection and the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology (The Plaza Hotel) |
Nov. 27-28 | Fall Conference and 43th Annual General Meeting (Jeju Phoenix Island)
Topic : - Symposium : Medical Radiation Safety - Workshop 1: Development direction of on-site nuclear emergency response system - Workshop 2: Restoration and monitoring of the dismantling site environment - Workshop 3: Radiation Oncology and Treatment and Nuclear Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment LatestKnow ledge - Workshop 4: Domestic Research Trends on NIR |
2018 | *The 2st iTRS Radiation Measurement Technology AwardM (Geehyun Kim, Sejong University) |
2018 | *The 7th Young Investigator Prize (Jung-in Kim, Seoul National University Hospital) |
2018 | *The 3nd ISORD Award (Hyemin Park, Myongji University) |
Feb. 22-23 | *Winter Workshop (Icheon Miranda Hotel) Topic : 1) Radiation Communication Practice Strategies for the People and Domestic and Overseas Success Cases Topic : 2) The gap between norms and reality in the enforcement of the Nuclear Safety Act |
Apr. 18-20 | Spring Conference and Symposium (Yongpyong Resort Bliss Hill Stay Hotel) Topic : Radiation in Medicine: Imaging and Radiation Effects on Health |
June. 19 | Radon bed incident advisory announcement and press conference
Venue: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Contents : Held to promote social communication in relation to the radon-releasing bed situation, seeking scientific facts and countermeasures, and on radiation problems around daily life. |
June. | Research project (6 months)
Project Name : 2018 Radiation Safety Understanding Foundation Project Client : Korea Nuclear Safety Foundation |
Aug. 30-31 | Summer Workshop (Muchangpo Biche Palace)
Topic : 1) Influence and substance of radon's internal exposure Topic : 2) Internal exposure management status of radiation workers |
Nov. 21-23 | Fall Conference and 42th Annual General Meeting (Jeju Phoenix Island)
Topic : Public communication with radiation around daily life The next president : Kyo-Youn Kim(KAERI) elected |
2017 | *The 3rd Grand Prize of Korean Radiation Protection (박찬일) |
2017 | *The 1st iTRS Radiation Measurement Technology AwardM (이원호, Korea University) |
2017 | *The 6th Young Investigator Prize (하위호, KIRAMS) |
2017 | *The 2nd ISORD Award (한민철, Hanyang University) |
Feb. 23-24 | Winter Workshop
Topic : 1) Practice for the evaluation of the environmental impact of radiation based on regulations 2) KOLAS accreditation to secure reliability of radiation / performance measurement field |
Feb. | Research Project (10 months)
Project Name: Evaluation of National Radiation Doses according to Medical Radiation Use Client: Department of Disease Control |
Feb. | Research Project (10 months)
Project Name: Development of patient CT radiation exposure dose evaluation program Client: Department of Disease Control |
Apr. 12-14 | Spring Conference & Symposium Subject: Recent Issues of Radiological Protection at International Level |
May. | Research Assignment (6 months)
Project Name: Study on the establishment of comprehensive plan for radiation protection in the second living area Client: Korea Nuclear Safety Institute |
Aug. 24-25 | Summer Workshop Theme: Domestic and Foreign Status for Safe Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities from the Viewpoint of Radiation Protection |
Aug. 24 | Young Scientist Group launch ceremony The group consists of five groups |
Sep. | National Library of Medicine (NLM), International Nuclear Information System of IAEA Completion of establishment of linkage with main related academic DB |
Mar. 01 | Established the Institute of Radiation Safety Culture (Research Director: 이재기, Professor Emeritus, Hanyang University) |
Apr. 22-23 | Spring Conference & Symposium (Daemyung Resort) Topic : Human influence of tritium |
May. 14 | 14th IRPA Conference and General Meeting (Cape Town, South Africa) IRPA-15 Preparation Chairperson and 30 others attended |
Aug. 25-26 | Summer Workshop
Topic: 1) Enhance communication with the field by introducing the comprehensive development direction of radiation safety regulation and domestic and international regulations 2) Radioactive evaluation and safety issues |
Nov.29-Dec.01 | Fall Conference and 40th Annual General Meeting(Jeju Phoenix Island)
Topic: 1) Radiation safety issues and communication 2) Radioactive safety management in food |
2016 | The next president: 박우윤(Chungbuk National University Hospital) |
2016 | The 5th Young Investigator Prize (민철희, Yonsei University) |
2016 | The 1st ISORD Award (노성진, Southeast Nuclear Power Academy) |
Feb. 05-06 | Winter Workshop
Topic : 1) Effects of low dose radiation on human body 2) Radiation Safety Issues in the Medical Sector |
Apr. 22-23 | Spring Conference & Symposium (Yeosu) Topic: radiation safety advancement |
Sep. 24 | Thyroid cancer report presentation session
Co-host: Korean Nuclear Society, Korean Radiation Protection Association Theme: "Scientific Analysis of Residents and Thyroid Cancers around Nuclear Power Plant" |
Oct. 20-22 | Third ICRP Symposium (ICRP2015), Seoul Event Name: 3rd International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection Topic: radiation protection ethics |
Oct. 23 | Fall Conference & 39th Annual Meeting Topic: The 3rd Radiation Safety Management in Foods |
2015 | The 2nd Grand Prize of Korean Radiation Protection (이명철) |
2015 | The 2th Young Investigator Prize (박종민, SNUH) |
Feb. 27-28 | Winter Workshop
Topic :1) Monte Carlo method and application 2) Regulation of radiation safety in daily supplies |
Apr. 01 | Special Workshop for 3rd Anniversary of Fukushima accident (Cosponsor: KAERI, KARP) |
Apr. 23-25 | Spring Conference & Symposium Topic: The advent of Korean large accelerator |
Aug. 27-28 | Nuclear Association Symposium Topic: 1) Role and vision of nuclear association 2) Current and future of nuclear technology |
Nov. 19-21 | Fall Conference & The 38th Annual Meeting Topic: International trend of ICRP |
2014 | The next president: 임영기(Gachon University) |
2014 | The 3rd Young Investigator Prize (김정인, KHNP) |
2014 | Changing Journal Title (Journal of Radiation Protection and Research) |
2014 | Homepage Reconstruction |
Feb. 27-28 | Winter Workshop
Topic: 1) FLUKA training 2) Monte Carlo basic and radiological application |
Apr. 24-26 | Spring Conference & Symposium Topic : Message of the Fukushima accident after 2 years |
Aug. 27-28 | International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) The 1st Asian Workshop on Ethics in Radiation Protection |
Nov. 20-22 | Fall Conference & The 37th Annual Meeting Topic: Ethics of Radiation Protection |
2013 | The 1st Grand Prize of Korean Radiation Protection (권석근) |
2013 | The 2nd Young Investigator Prize (서희, KAERI) |
2013 | Apply the Journal DOI (Volume 38, Issue 4, DEC, 2013) |
Mar. 26 | Special Workshop for 1st Anniversary of Fukushima accident (Cosponsor: Korea Science Journalists Association) |
Apr. 19-20 | Spring Conference & Symposium Topic: Environmental Radiation Safety (생활방사선? 환경방사선?) |
May. 15 | Korean Night (Scotland, UK) |
May. 30 | The disbanding ceremony for attracting ICRP15 |
Jul. 17 | Operating Nuclear Association Operation Director: 최호신 |
Aug. 23-24 | Summer Workshop Topic: Environmental Radiation Safety |
Oct. 31~Nov. 01 | World Nuclear & Radiation Expo “Radiation Safety Class” |
Nov. 28-30 | Fall Conference & 36th Annual Meeting
The next president: 김일한 (SNUH) Topic: LNT model |
2012 | The 1st Young Investigator Prize (한은옥, KANS) |
Apr. 06 | An Urgent Panel Discussion “Domestic radiation effect caused by Fukushima’s nuclear plant accident” |
Apr. 21-22 | Spring Conference & Symposium & ICRP MC Meeting Topic: Recent Activities of ICRP |
May. 27-29 | IRPA EC Meeting |
Jun. | Technical Review Project A study for advancing the radiation exposure assessment of nuclear plant worker |
Aug. 25-26 | Summer Workshop Topic: The fact of Fukushima’s nuclear plant accident |
Nov. 17-18 | Fall Conference & 35th Annual Meeting Topic: International recommendations and guidelines about emergency radiation protection |
Nov. 21 | An Urgent Information Session ‘The detection of radioactive materials at Nowon-gu, Seoul’ Topic: It will not impact on the human body? |
Jan. 28 | 동계워크샵 Winter Workshop Transportation of radioactive material |
Apr. 21 | Spring Workshop The 14th Workshop for radiation exposure assessment |
Apr. 22-23 | Spring Conference & Symposium Topic: Nuclear Plant Export |
Jun. 24-25 | Summer Workshop : Technical working group on radiation shielding |
Nov. 21 | Fall Workshop Asian and Oceanic Workshop on Radiation Protection Culture |
Nov. 22-23 | Fall Conference & 34th Annual Meeting
The next president: 최호신 (KINS) Topic: Radiation Source Security |