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Division of Radiation Environment and Disaster Prevention Research


It evaluates the effects of radiation from nuclear and radiation-using facilities on humans and the environment, and conducts research to minimize and prevent disasters from radiation to improve the radiation safety and reliability of the country and local communities.


  • All activities for the promotion of technologies related to radiation environment and disaster prevention
  • Strengthening expertise in radiation environment and disaster prevention and expand research base
  • Strengthening mutual exchange and cooperation among related organizations such as research, academic, industry, regulatory agencies, and local governments
  • Deepen communication in the nuclear environment and promote international understanding
  • Reinforcing national competitiveness based on knowledge and technology, contributing to solving social issues


  • Chairman of Research Jeju National University Jeong, Manhee
  • Scientific Commissioner Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Kwon, Jeong Wan
  • Scientific Commissioner Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Kim, Daeji
  • Scientific Commissioner Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Yoo, Jaeryong
  • Scientific Commissioner Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science Lee, Sang-Han
  • Scientific Commissioner Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Jang, Mee

Abstract Submission Categories

  • The entire field of radioactivity analysis and disaster prevention