HOME > About KARP > Members
Position | Name | Affiliation | |
President | Lee, Hee-Seock | Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Pohang University of Science & Technology |
lee@postech.ac.kr |
Auditor | Baek, Min | Pohang University of Science & Technology | baekmin65@gmail.com |
Auditor | Lee, Jin Kyung | Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences | jklee@kirams.re.kr |
Vice President | Jeong, Seung-Young | Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety | k504jsy@kins.re.kr |
Vice President | Kim, Heereyoung | UNIST | kimhr@unist.ac.kr |
Vice President | Kim, Kwang Pyo | Kyung Hee University | kpkim@khu.ac.kr |
Vice President | Chie, Eui Kyu | Seoul National University Hospital | ekchie93@snu.ac.kr |
Vice President | Lee, Jinwoo | Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute | jinwoo@kaeri.re.kr |
General Secretary | Lee, Joo Hwan | St. Vincent's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea | rainonly@catholic.ac.kr |
General Secretary | Jung, Nam-Suk | Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Pohang University of Science & Technology |
nsjung@postech.ac.kr |
Treasurer | Shin, Chang Ho | Hanyang University, iTRS | gemini@hanyang.ac.kr |
Treasurer | Oh, Young Seock | Korea Hydro & Nuclear power Co., Ltd. | khnpmroh@khnp.co.kr |
Editor | Min, Chul Hee | Yonsei University | chmin@yonsei.ac.kr |
Editor | Kim, Geehyun | Seoul National University | gk.rs@snu.ac.kr |
Editor | Sung, Wonmo | The Catholic University of Korea | wsung@catholic.ac.kr |
Director of Science | Lee, Wonho | Korea University | wonhol@korea.ac.kr |
Director of Science | Park, Ji-Sung | Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute | jspark13@kaeri.re.kr |
Director of International Relations | Paeng, Jin Chul | Seoul National University Hospital | paengjc@snu.ac.kr |
Director of International Relations | Han, Eunok | Korea Association of Nuclear · radiation Safety | haneunok@gmail.com |
Director of Future Planning | Kim, Yongmin | Daegu Catholic University | ymkim17@cu.ac.kr |
Director of Future Planning | Seo, Hee | Jeonbuk National University | hseo@jbnu.ac.kr |
Director of Medicine | Kim, Jun Won | Gangnam Severance Hospital | junwon@yuhs.ac |
Director of Medicine | Eo, Hong | Samsung Medical Center | rtombow@gmail.com |
Director of Cooperation | Kang, Keon Wook | Seoul National University Hospital | kangkw@snu.ac.kr |
Director of Cooperation | Kim, Kon Wuk | Korean Association for Radiation Application | konuk@ri.or.kr |
Director of Cooperation | Kim, Jeongin | Radiation Health Institute, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power | jeongin.kim21@gmail.com |
Director of Youth (2024.1.1-2024.12.31) |
Chang, Insu | Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute | ichang@kaeri.re.kr |
Director of Youth (2025.1.1-2025.12.31) |
Yeom, Yeon Soo | Yonsei University | ysyeom@yonsei.ac.kr |