Korea Retrospective Dosimetry Network(KREDOS)


In order to promote the development of all technologies related to retrospective dosimetry through cooperation among members, each of the following tasks can be performed, and joint response and technical support for radiation dose assessment in the event of a radiation incident or accident can be provided.


  • Academic research on retrospective dosimetry
  • Research, collection and translation of academic data on retrospective dosimetry
  • Research services related to retrospective dosimetry
  • International exchange and cooperation on retrospective dosimetry
  • Issuance and distribution of promotional materials on retrospective dosimetry
  • General cooperation for research activities of group members
  • Other matters necessary to achieve the group's objectives


  • Chairperson of Group Lee, Jungil (Korea Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • Vice Chairperson of GroupKang, Yeong-Rok (Dongnam Institute of Radiological & Medical Science)
  • SecretaryLee, JeongTae (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
  • Working Group

    WG 1 Biological Dosimetry Sung, Ki-moon (Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences)

    WG 2 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance DosimetryKim, Jae Seok (Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences)

    WG 3 Thermoluminescence/Optically stimulated luminescence Dosimetry Kim, Hyoungtaek (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)

    WG 4 Computational Dosimetry Kim, Minchae (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)

    WG 5 Reference Radiation Field Kim, Yunho (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)

  • Committee